Tag Archives: entertainment television

My research in a one minute video

You can find out about my research in just one minute at the link below.  This video is part of the University of Edinburgh’s research in a nutshell project.  If you would like to read more, and would like copies of any the articles listed, get in touch.


In this video, Julie Cupples outlines her interest in questions of media convergence and cultural citizenship in development contexts.


My work sits at the intersection of cultural geography, development studies and media and cultural studies. I have been working in Central America, primarily Nicaragua, for many years and have published on development/postdevelopment; geographies of neoliberalism, gender and sexuality; disasters and environmental risk; municipal governance, elections and indigenous media. I am a principal investigator on a research grant, funded by the Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand, being conducted in collaboration with Kevin Glynn at Massey University. This project is entitled “Geographies of Media Convergence: Spaces of Democracy, Connectivity and the Reconfiguration of Cultural Citizenship”. It explores the relationship between political culture and popular culture in an age of media convergence. In particular, it seeks to understand how mediatized forms of popular culture can contribute to the construction of democratic citizenship. It involves the empirical exploration of a series of media texts and practices which can be understood as negotiations of hegemonic projects. To this end, I am exploring indigenous television channels in both Nicaragua (BilwiVision and Canal 7) and in Aotearoa New Zealaland (Māori Television) as well as analyzing the popular geopolitics of prime time TV drama.

Some recent publications from this work include:

Cupples J (2013) Latin American Development. London: Routledge

Cupples J. and Glynn K. (2013) Postdevelopment television? Cultural citizenship and the mediation of Africa in contemporary TV drama. Annals of the Association of American Geographers (in press).

Springer S., Chi H., Crampton J., McConnell F., Cupples J., Glynn K., Warf B. and Attewell W (2012) Leaky geopolitics: The ruptures and transgressions of WikiLeaks. Geopolitics 17(3): 681-711.

Cupples, J. (2012) Wild globalization: The biopolitics of climate change and global capitalism on Nicaragua’s Mosquito Coast. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography 44(1): 10-30.

Glynn K. and Cupples J. (2011) Indigenous mediaspace and the production of (trans)locality on Nicaragua’s Mosquito Coast. Television & New Media 12(2): 101-135.

Cupples J. (2011) Shifting networks of power in Nicaragua: Relational materialisms in the consumption of privatized electricity. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 101(4): 939-948.

Cupples J. and Larios I. (2010) A functional anarchy: Love, patriotism, and resistance to free trade in Costa Rica. Latin American Perspectives 37(6): 93-108.